Does Daflon 500mg help to relieve hemmaroids? - hemmaroids more condition_symptoms
I have a case to help Benin and I wonder whether hemmaroids DAFLON 500mg much, because my doctor has prescribed. Also, if someone can answer what the best way to eliminate hemmaroids (and itching, goes with) what would be without the clinic for surgery, it's great ...
Homeopathic Treatment (s) Piles (haemorrhoids): --
Principal means bleeding or hemorrhoids, itching and burning sulfur in the year 200, or 1 M, two weeks (3 doses)
Hemorrhoids, pain in the anus of a lumbosacral feels like full of sticks, or if an error creeps Hip Aesculus 6X or 30 4 per hour
Hemorrhoids, how to beat onions, purple, and the shock into the anus Lachesis 30 or 200, 4 hours (6 doses)
Constipation, with sedentary lifestyles. Often have bowel movements, pain, itching and sewed into the rectum, beating or pressing after defecation, drinking alcohol is worse after mental exertion or after eating Nux vomica 30X, 4 hours
Piles with stabbing pains in the anus, fissures or ulcers in the anus. Wet year due to the constant oozing Paeonia Q (mother tincture) or 6X, 4-hour
Hemorrhoids with rectal prolapse. The protrusion of the anus after defecation Podophyllum 30 or 200, every 4 hours
Deep or shallow crack in the anus. Pain after passingfecal, fragments of glass stuck in his anus and rectum. The heat and pain in the anus is so severe that the patient can not remain unmoved. Covered hole. Ratanhia 6X or 30 4 per hour
Hemorrhoids stands out as grapes after each stool, cold water relieves Aloe Soc 6X or 30 4 per hour
Hemorrhoids mucosa (lining of the anus), white tongue Antimonium Crud won 30 or 200 per week (3 doses)
Piles with itching and burning, better cold compresses Apis Mel 30 or 200, 4 hours (3 doses)
Piles with burning pain, relieved by hot applications Arsenic Album 30, 4 per hour
Hemorrhoids, or other problem at the anus or rectum, leading to extremely painful foot Causticum 30 or 200, 4 hours (3 doses)
Piles, with feeling as if a hot iron chokes in the rectum; improved by applying cold water Kali Carb 30 or 200, 4 hours (3 doses)
The swelling and protrusion of the hemorrhoids with bleeding and stool is not clogged. Tro patients is much moreubled by the formation of wind. Piles with extreme sensitivity to touch, even contact with the tissue acid is unbearable Mur 30 or 200, every 4 hours
Wet years, cracked and painful, surrounded by flat warts. Contraction, with violent burning and itching of the anus of Thuja OC 200 or 1M, weekly (6 doses, followed by crack)
Hemorrhoids running when the patient urine baryta carb 200 or 1M, weekly (3 doses)
Completely free of side effects and complications.
Take care and God bless you!
Indeed be very useful, but with the local drug lidocaine 5% must be made on the spot, after washing with 1:8000 solution of potassium permanganate in hot water.
If your doctor has prescribed DAFLON, then it must be the med of choice for you.
to relieve some pain and itching by Preparation H, and accompanied anusol enjoy in the bath of Epsom salts.
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